Thank you so much for your interest. The comment period was closed on October 20, 2020.
Muchas gracias por su interés. El período de comentarios se cerró el 20 de octubre de 2020.

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Coordinates: 46.07063261, -118.3234857
Project ID: WW_L_28

Roadway: Reconstruction

From: Isaacs
To: Alder
Length: 0.43

Project Sponsor: Walla Walla

Safety Focus: Protect Pedestrians and Bicycles

Pedestrian: Buffered Sidewalk

Bicycle: Signed/Shared Route

Vehicle Capacity: -

Current Cost: $2,500,000

Plan Phase: Long-term 2036-2045

Future Cost: $6,029,300

Roadway Class: Minor Arterial

Current Lanes: 2

Future Lanes: 2

BENEFITS TO: Safety: +

Preservation-Condition: ++

Accessibility-Mobility: +

Integration-Connectivity: +

Resiliency-Reliability: +

Economic Vitality: +

Stewardship: +

Security: +

Efficiency-Operations: +

Travel-Tourism: o
If Clinton is getting more open access at US12, this road needs to be wider or have parking restrictions.
Potential Future Connections // Posibles Conexiones en el Futuro
Bryan Lubbers
So, some of the oldest trees in the city, and long lived ones as well, all sacrificed for traffic 'safety'. Traffic moves slowly on Clinton *because* of the narrowness. Widening that roadway will speed up traffic, endanger users, and wreck a lovely canopied street all at the same time. Pls rethink
Infrastructure preservation // Preservación de la infraestructura
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