
Community Remarks™ license is structured as a one-time license fee, except for TIP due to the extensive technical support provided. All licenses include technical support and a 1 hour demo session to fully utilize all the features in the admin.

Most Popular


collect place-based comments
*$1,995 one-time fee

Includes 4 hours of technical support

  • Collect citizen comments, responses, and votes on a map
  • Add custom branding
  • Extensive map controls
  • GIS layers to the maps
  • Setup categories
  • Upload custom map markers
  • Create a toggle legend over you map and present it on a per-category basis
  • Edit the look and feel of the pages through templates
  • Integrate with social media
  • Share and Embed the maps in your project website
  • Quickly respond to comments directly from the admin
  • Export geocoded comments and responses as a CSV and KML file

The basic functionality of Community Remarks is more than enough to capture place-based and general comments for all types of planning projects.

*We can discount the fee in the event you only need it for 3 months or less.

Basic +Plus

all phases of engagement
$2,720 one-time fee

Includes 7 hours of technical support

  • Focus feedback and voting on projects
  • Customize and create extensive survey form
  • Export project data from GIS/ Import into system
  • Assign KML files to individual projects
  • Unlimited project pages & database fields
  • Create an image gallery for each project
  • Show project phases over time
  • Search projects

Ideal for transportation routes, long range transportation plans, and later stages of plan development to retrieve specific comments and votes on proposed projects.

Basic +Plus for TIP

DOT projects & fiscal constraints
*$7,000+ annual

Includes up to 25 hours of technical support

  • Pricing varies depending on the level of technical support needed
  • Extensive support provided to import DOT spreadsheets
  • Customized templates designed specifically for a TIP
  • Search by work mix, fund source, responsible agency, and description
  • Fiscal Constraint tables
  • Automatically archives completed projects
  • Print projects in landscape or portrait
  • Update and expand project fields from the admin

*Pricing is for geographic areas consisting of 650,000 people or less. Larger areas might require purchasing additional technical support.

Web Hosting

renewed annually
$420 annual

Web hosting is renewed annually. Support includes a live person reading every comment, the never ending process of fighting spam and upgrades/updates.

Customization and additional support beyond the license fee technical support provision for the first year is provided as-needed at $150/hour. Additional fees will be provided in a project scope.


Community Remarks™ runs on our Rackspace servers to ensure support, backups, and upgrades can be administered. We are always improving our application in an effort to keep up with your feature requests as well as the latest trends in community engagement. As a result of our continued commitment to this product, we require your web hosting agreement be renewed annually.