Intersection Study
- 34 Projects
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Jefferson Street and E Cedar Street
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Station: 1
Crash 2016: 2
Intersection Study
The Bannock Transportation Planning Organization has started a study to determine the current and future operating conditions of key un-signalized intersections within the City of Chubbuck, the City of Pocatello, and Bannock County. The Un-signalized intersection study will analyze the cumulative impact of the region's growth patterns on each of the 34 study intersections over the next twenty-four years. The study will determine which intersections do not meet service standards in 2045. Select any icon to get a description of the intertersection. The form will also allow you to make any specific comments on the project. More instructions on the tool- Comments TimelineComments Timeline
- Projects
Bannock Highway and South Valley Road
Project Id: 750
3 years 9 months ago
This intersection is very dangerous! We need a light there ASAP.
3 years 9 months ago
This is a dangerous intersection. We also need lights over the exchange - with a bike path and walking path - it's dangerous after dark.
3 years 9 months ago
It would be good to have an on-demand light for drivers on the south valley connector. It seems most the traffic is still on bannock highway, but the visibility of on-coming traffic from the north is low for drivers turning left/south off the connector.
3 years 9 months ago
Adding a center turn bay on Bannock Highway would help with operation and flow along Bannock Highway
Booth Drive and Pocatello Creek
Project Id: 569
3 years 9 months ago
This intersection just needs some upgrades. It has poor sight distance, hard to determine speeds from people headed from Pocatello Creek to town, and just skewed odd.
Cole Street and W Chubbuck Road
Project Id: 665
3 years 9 months ago
At times the sight distance is poor when turning off of Cole onto Chubbuck Road. The houses on the corner park really close the to the intersection.
E Center Street and Vista Drive
Project Id: 745
3 years 9 months ago
Intersection by Maverick should be a right in and right out. Any lefts should be coming to Vista. The left turn bay also needs re-striped at Vista. It looks terrible. Pedestrian access across Center should also be added here as well. As development happens on Vista, maybe a light but, not now.
Hiline Road and Pearl Street
Project Id: 702
3 years 9 months ago
This intersection should be in line for the next signal. The four way stop is reached capacity.
Hospital Way and E Terry Street
Project Id: 52
3 years 9 months ago
Ray Lappan
I’ve see many near mis, and actual accidents at this location due to the terrain and the ON parking lot entrance/exit. This intersection really needs a light or at least a 3(4) way stop.
3 years 9 months ago
Ray Lappan
I’ve see many near mis, and actual accidents at this location due to the terrain and the ON parking lot entrance/exit. This intersection really needs a light or at least a 3(4) way stop.
3 years 9 months ago
Ray Lappan
I’ve see many near mis, and actual accidents at this location due to the terrain and the ON parking lot entrance/exit. This intersection really needs a light or at least a 3(4) way stop.
Jefferson Street and E Cedar Street
Project Id: 512
3 years 9 months ago
Both Eastbound lanes of Cedar St get backed up waiting for gaps between the North and South on Jefferson. Anyone trying to turn left onto Jefferson can end up waiting several minutes before it's safe. It becomes even more difficult when there are cars in the Jefferson northbound left turn lane.
Memorial Drive and E Carter Street
Project Id: 96
3 years 9 months ago
Probably one of the most talked about, least safe intersections in this part of town. The light might be hard for uphill traffic and roll backs, but the close calls here with peds and vehicles are frequent.
N Main Street and W Custer Street
Project Id: 246
3 years 9 months ago
Dan Rainey
This intersection is becoming difficult for pedestrians to cross. Vehicles often don't stop for pedestrians and there are often not many gaps in platoons of vehicles during peak traffic.
3 years 9 months ago
Dan Rainey
Turning right onto Main Street from W Young can be difficult due to congestion in the area during peak traffic. Traffic turning left from Custer often complicates this as many vehicles almost immediately change lanes to the right hand lane so that they can eventually turn right at Gould.
Olympus Drive and Butte Street
Project Id: 634
3 years 9 months ago
With the new Northgate development and increased traffic from the Temple and interstate exit, this intersection needs a traffic signal.
Olympus Drive and Jerome Street
Project Id: 723
3 years 9 months ago
A traffic light is needed here with the new Northgate development, interstate exist, and Temple.
Philbin Rd and W Quinn Rd
Project Id: 3087
3 years 9 months ago
Due to higher speeds, a left turn bay would be great on Philbin.
S. 4th Avenue and E Carter Street
Project Id: 106
3 years 9 months ago
On-street parking make it extremely difficult to see oncoming traffic unless one pulls well into the street. A light here (and at other spots), or an expansion of no parking on-street zones, would significantly aid public safety.
South 5th Avenue and Barton Road
Project Id: 47
3 years 9 months ago
should just be on-demand for vehicles traveling on Barton as there is much more consistent traffic on 4th and 5th
Both Eastbound lanes of Cedar St get backed up waiting for gaps between the North and South on Jefferson. Anyone trying to turn left onto Jefferson can end up waiting several minutes before it's safe. It becomes even more difficult when there are cars in the Jefferson northbound left turn lane.